Obey God and leave all the consequences to Him.

                                            by Charles F. Stanley 

"Most Blessed" is about my spiritual journey and how I finally got myself a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

My friends started asking me why I was happy and smiling all the time. I would tell them it's because of Jesus, but I didn't know how to explain it. The peace of God that surpasses all human understanding is just that, hard to explain. One day my friend asked me again why I was so happy. As I was driving home from her house, I heard God say, "Write that." I said, "Write what?" And He said, "Put the reason in a book and give it to them." I figured that couldn't be God because writing was my secret desire. It was that dream that only happened to other people. I also thought you had to have a college degree to be a writer. And I had never stepped foot onto a college campus. But it was God talking to me. So, you could say I wrote "Most Blessed" out of obedience. And in doing so was blessed with my heart's desire.

I hope when you read it you will know that you too can have peace that surpasses all human understanding; and that God loves you very much and He always will. No matter what.

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